There are various types of scalps and hair loss and determining the exact cause behind the condition is quite difficult. The most common type of hair loss is alopecia and there are various factors behind this. Most of the times, hair loss is associated with some internal disease or disorder rather than a poor diet that is considered the most frequent cause. Hair may also thin due to genetic factor, overall aging process or family history. Mostly this problem starts occurring in thirties or forties but stress, illness, pregnancy, hormonal changes and nutritional changes are some other factors that become the reason of hair loss in women.
When it comes to treatments for hair loss in women, most of the women find solution in artificial means like using wigs, extensions or go for various hair styles that make the hair look thicker. But when your scalp starts balding, these methods do not work and they are only temporary methods. Then going for home remedies is another option for the women who do not want to go for the use of artificial products. Exercise also plays an important role in increasing the blood circulation that is ultimately helpful for hair loss. Besides these treatments, use of certain FDA approved products and Mesotherapy treatment in which serums are injected in the scalp for re-growth of hair are effective treatments as compared to above given treatments. But these treatments also take time to show results and may not give desired results.
Now the question is which treatment is permanent solution to baldness or hair loss? Hair transplant is the procedure through which, you can re-grow hair in the bald area permanently and perfectly. There are a number of clinics offering this procedure but Dubai Cosmetic Surgery is the best reliable clinic offering hair transplant in Dubai. During the procedure, hair follicles from your own scalp are taken and placed in the bald area where they start their natural growth. The procedure is the most effective and gives permanent results but only if performed by some experienced surgeon. While having hair transplant in Dubai at Dubai Cosmetic Surgery, you need not to worry about the results and effects of the procedure.
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