Rosacea does not cause only red face, there are various other symptoms also associated with the condition. As rosacea has a number of signs and symptoms, 4 subtypes of rosacea are created. Some people may face more than one type of rosacea at the same time and the treatment for every type is also different. Types of rosacea are given below:
· Facial flushing, redness and visible blood vessels
· Acne like breakouts
· Thickening skin
· In the eyes
Some signs and symptoms for all the types of rosacea are same but some differ also. Redness, flushing, sensitivity and visible blood vessels are common in all the types. In case of first type dryness, roughness and scaling occurs on skin while in second type, skin becomes oily and acne like break outs appear on skin. In third type of rosacea bumping structures also appear on chin, cheeks, forehead and ears. In fourth type of rosacea, skin around the eyes get effected and eyes get irritated due to burning, stinging and itching. This also causes blurred vision and sensitivity towards light.
The exact cause behind rosacea is not known though it is believed that abnormalities in blood vessels, a type of bacteria and genetics may be the reasons of rosacea. There are some elements that play role of triggers and worsen the condition. The most common triggers that make the condition worse are:
· Exposure to sunlight
· Exposure to wind
· Stressed conditions
· Hot weather
· Strenuous exercises
· Alcohol
· Cold weather
· Spicy foods
· Humidity
· Caffeine
· Dairy products
· Long term medical conditions like high blood pressure
· Short term medical conditions like fever or cold
When it comes to the treatment of rosacea, there is no proper cure for rosacea but its symptoms can be controlled by various treatments. The treatments include oral or topical medications, these must be prescribed by an experienced dermatologist as the treatment depends on the type of rosacea. Laser treatment is also an effective option for the treatment of rosacea. Laser is good option for treatment as it reduces the redness, irritation, inflammation and lesions caused by rosacea. All the treatments are temporary and need repetition for continued results. You can visit Dubai Cosmetic Surgery for laser rosacea treatment in Dubai.
One patient can suffer from more than one type of rosacea at the same time. Rosacea Treatment in Dubai