There are various ways to get your breasts augmented that are:
· Breast implants – in this method, implants are inserted in the chest area.
· Fat transfer – in this method, fat from your own body is injected in the breasts.
· Macrolane injections – in this method, injectable fillers are used.
If you go for breast implants to increase the size of your breast, two types of implants can be used that are silicone implants and saline implants. Mostly silicone implants are used for this purpose because these implants are smooth and give more natural look as compared to saline implants but still the selection of implants also depends on the suitability. Inserting implants is an invasive procedure and it involves side effects also and requires time for recovery also. There are various methods for inserting implants, in some cases the incisions are made in the areas where incisions are invisible and well hidden.
Breast augmentation by fat transfer is suitable for those who don’t want to go under the knife. Though fat transfer is not non-invasive but it is a safe and minimal invasive alternate of breast implants. In this procedure, fat from your own body parts like legs or abdomen is removed and is transferred to breasts that makes them fuller and bulky. This method is preferred because breasts’ size and shape is enhanced as well as they look more natural.
Macrolane injections are the newest technique to enhance the breast size. Though macrolane injections are expensive treatment but most of the women go for them because they are completely non-invasive and non- surgical.
Above given are the methods to enhance your breast size but only an experienced surgeon can guide you well in selecting appropriate method for breast augmentation and don’t forget Dubai Cosmetic Surgery for breast augmentation in Dubai.
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